- Republic of Green

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Environmental NONPROFITS, Environmental Conservation Nonprofits, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Open Space Preservation
Berkeley, CA
The Bay Area Open Space Council is a network of 65 nonprofits and public agencies that serve tens of millions of people each year; maintain thousands of miles of trails; produce delicious food; and steward over 1 million acres of publicly ... Read more >

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EDUCATION & TRAINING, Environmental NONPROFITS, Colleges & Universities, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change
Berkeley, CA
The Berkeley Carbon Trading Project at CEPP is a research and outreach program dedicated to studying the effectiveness of carbon trading and offset programs and ensuring that this understanding informs program design.... Read more >

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Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Environmental Conservation, Environmental Beautification & Horticulture
Berkeley, CA
Cal-IPC's mission is to protect California's lands and waters from ecologically-damaging invasive plants through science, education and policy.... Read more >

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Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Environmental Conservation, Community & Neighborhood Nonprofits
Berkeley, CA
We support programs to improve wildfire safety in Claremont Canyon and seek out the most effective measures that private property owners can take to protect their homes from fire. We lead strategic fuel reduction projects and promote stewa... Read more >

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Environmental NONPROFITS, Environmental Conservation Nonprofits, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Environmental Conservation
Berkeley, CA
Earth Island Institute was founded in 1982 by legendary environmentalist David R. Brower. Since then, Earth Island Institute has been a hub for grassroots campaigns dedicated to conserving, preserving, and restoring the ecosystems on which... Read more >

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Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Climate Change Nonprofits
Berkeley, CA
EFCWest empowers vulnerable populations, delivers innovative leadership training and builds community capacity in the United States and internationally.... Read more >

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Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Water Body Conservation, Water Resources Nonprofits
Berkeley, CA
Friends of Five Creeks mobilizes volunteers of all ages to restore, maintain, and enjoy the creeks and watersheds of the East Bay from North Berkeley to Richmond.... Read more >

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Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Environmental Conservation, Parks Nonprofits
Berkeley, CA
The Garber Park Stewards' vision is to safeguard the native wildland resources of Garber Park while reducing the risk of wildfire and improving the trail system. Garber Park is a 13-acre wildland park owned by the City of Oakland located b... Read more >

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Berkeley, CA
The Rooted In Community National Network (RIC) is a national grassroots network that empowers young people to take leadership in their own communities. We are a diverse movement of youth and adults working together and committed to fosteri... Read more >

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Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Climate Change Nonprofits, Youth Nonprofits
Berkeley, CA
Sunrise Bay Area is the Bay Area hub of Sunrise Movement. Sunrise is a youth-led movement to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process.​... Read more >


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