Holistic HEALTH, Acupuncture, Integrative Medicine, Womens Health, IV Vitamin Therapy
655 Redwood Highway, Suite 200 Mill Valley, CA 94941 USA
Integrative Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncturist and Women's
Health Expert specializing in Fertility, Menopause, Bio-Identical Hormones and Adrenal Issues.... Read more >
Holistic HEALTH, Nutritionists, Integrative Medicine, Holistic Health Practitioners, Homeopathic Medicine
10 Thomas Dr Mill Valley, CA 94941 USA
Founded in 1998 by Dr. Stacia Kenet, Pediatric Alternatives is a unique medical practice offering the best of western and integrative medicine. Using our combined training in western medicine, homeopathy, herbal medicine, naturopathic medi... Read more >