- Republic of Green

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Environmental NONPROFITS, Environmental Conservation Nonprofits, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Wildlife & Habitat Preservation
San Francisco, CA
Our mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth... Read more >

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Environmental NONPROFITS, Environmental Conservation Nonprofits, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Environmental Conservation, Parks Nonprofits
San Francisco, CA
Conservacion Patagonica works to create national parks in Patagonia that save and restore wildlands and wildlife, inspire care for the natural world, and generate healthy economic opportunities for local communities.... Read more >

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Environmental NONPROFITS, Environmental Conservation Nonprofits, Green CITIES, Urban Greening
San Francisco, CA
Our mission is to inspire San Francisco to discover local nature. Nature in the City is San Francisco's first organization wholly dedicated to ecological conservation, restoration, and stewardship of the city's bioregions.... Read more >

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Environmental NONPROFITS, Environmental Conservation Nonprofits, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Environmental Conservation
San Francisco, CA
We sustain America's forests for all their public benefits of wood, water, wildlife, and people's well-being in cooperation with landowners and communities.... Read more >

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Environmental NONPROFITS, Environmental Conservation Nonprofits, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Forest & Rainforest Conservation
San Francisco, CA
Rainforest Action Network preserves forests, protects the climate and upholds human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice through frontline partnerships and strategic campaigns.... Read more >

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EDUCATION & TRAINING, Environmental NONPROFITS, Environmental Conservation Nonprofits, Environmental Education & Training
San Francisco, CA
San Francisco Nature Education provides interactive environmental education programs that develop leadership and stewardship in youth and adults.... Read more >

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Environmental NONPROFITS, Environmental Conservation Nonprofits, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Environmental Conservation
San Francisco, CA
We are committed to inspiring participation and awareness in the preservation of fragile ecosystems by providing opportunities for personal direct action to save the diversity of life on Earth.... Read more >

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Environmental NONPROFITS, Environmental Conservation Nonprofits, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Environmental Conservation
San Francisco, CA
Since 1918, Save the Redwoods League has protected more than 200,000 acres of redwood forest and helped create 66 redwood parks and preserves.... Read more >

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Environmental NONPROFITS, Environmental Conservation Nonprofits, Sustainable BUSINESS, Corporate Social Responsibility, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES
San Francisco, CA
From biodiversity to air, to water quality and climate change, designs and implements strategies that make protecting our planet everyone’s business. Our current campaigns focus on shifting corporate behavior, breaking the hu... Read more >

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Environmental NONPROFITS, Environmental Conservation Nonprofits, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Water Body Conservation
San Francisco, CA
The Bay Institute's mission is to protect, restore, and inspire conservation of San Francisco Bay and its watershed from the Sierra to the sea.... Read more >

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Environmental NONPROFITS, Environmental Conservation Nonprofits, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Open Space Preservation
San Francisco, CA
Our mission is to create parks and protect land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for generations to come.... Read more >

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Natural PET CARE, Environmental NONPROFITS, Environmental Conservation Nonprofits, Animal Nonprofits, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES
San Francisco, CA
WCN's mission is to protect endangered species and preserve their natural habitats by supporting entrepreneurial conservationists who pursue innovative strategies for people and wildlife to co-exist and thrive.... Read more >


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