- Republic of Green

Climate Change

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Climate Change Nonprofits
    Washington, DC
    The mission of Climate Hawks Vote is to identify, train, and elect individual climate hawk leaders, while generating a political environment in which those leaders have the power to advance policies needed to address climate change.... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Climate Change Nonprofits
    Washington, DC
    Climate Interactive creates and shares tools that drive effective and equitable climate action.... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Climate Change Nonprofits
    Washington, DC
    CLPP is a non-profit organization established in 2007 to develop and promote sound and safe policies to slow, stop, and ultimately reverse the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and ensure that vulnerable communities are protect... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Climate Change Nonprofits
    New York, NY
    Climate Nexus provides strategic communications services and products to drive substantive and lasting change on climate, energy, and water issues.... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Environmental Research & Policy, Research & Policy Nonprofits
    San Francisco, CA
    Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) helps governments, businesses, and financial institutions drive economic growth while addressing climate change.... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Climate Change Nonprofits
    Washington, DC
    The mission of the Climate Reality Project is to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every sector of society.... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Climate Change Nonprofits
    Milton, MA
    Climate Scorecard identifies and advocates for actions that can lower emissions in leading greenhouse gas emitting countries... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Climate Change Nonprofits
    Seattle, WA
    Our mission: accelerating clean energy solutions to the climate crisis.... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Climate Change Nonprofits
    Minneapolis, MN
    The mission of Community Power is to educate and activate residents of Minnesota cities and towns to create clean, local, equitable, affordable, and reliable energy systems.... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, Sustainable FINANCE, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Grantmaking Foundations & Philanthropy
    San Francisco, CA
    The Compton Foundation supports work in climate change.... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Climate Change Nonprofits
    Boston, MA
    Corporate Accountability wages strategic campaigns that compel transnational corporations, and the governments that do their bidding, to stop destroying our health, human rights, democracy, and planet.... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Climate Change Nonprofits
    Washington, DC
    Creation Justice Ministries (formerly the National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program) represents the creation care and environmental justice policies of major Christian denominations throughout the United States.... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Climate Change Nonprofits
    Bismarck, ND
    DRC's mission is to promote sustainable use of North Dakota's natural resources and family-owned and operated agriculture by building member-led local groups that empower people to influence the decision-making processes that affect their ... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Climate Change Nonprofits
    Brookings, SD
    Dakota Rural Action is a grassroots, family agriculture and conservation group that organizes South Dakotans to protect our family farmers and ranchers, natural resources and unique way of life.... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Climate Change Nonprofits
    New York, NY
    Dayenu is building a movement to confront the climate crisis, rooted in Jewish values, experience, and spirit.... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Climate Change, Climate Change Nonprofits
    Chicago, IL
    Delta Institute works with communities throughout the Midwest to solve complex environmental challenges... Read more >


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