- Republic of Green

Education & Training Nonprofits

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, Education & Training Nonprofits, RECYCLING & WASTE, YOUTH, Youth Empowerment
    Garden City, ID
    Reuseum Educational and the Reuseum store accept used, working or not, electronics to resell, repurpose, and recycle to support low-cost STEM workshops, classes, and kits for disadvantaged youth. Our goal is to bring STEM to children who m... Read more >

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    EDUCATION & TRAINING, Sustainable FOOD & AGRICULTURE, Environmental NONPROFITS, Youth Education, Food Agriculture & Nutrition Nonprofits
    San Jose, CA
    California Native Garden Foundation (CNGF) wants to help educate the public, especially school children, about native gardens. We have created a teaching garden model at our Race St. Headquarters in San Jose where school kids visit and lea... Read more >

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    EDUCATION & TRAINING, Environmental NONPROFITS, Education & Training Nonprofits, Environmental Education & Training
    Berkeley, CA
    The Center for Ecoliteracy promotes ecological education. The Center leads systems change initiatives, publishes original books and resources, facilitates conferences and professional development, and provides strategic consulting.... Read more >

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    EDUCATION & TRAINING, Environmental NONPROFITS, Education & Training Nonprofits, FOOD, Food & Ag Education
    Washington, DC
    DC Central Kitchen is a nationally recognized community kitchen that recycles food from around Washington DC and uses it as a tool to train unemployed adults to develop work skills while providing thousands of meals for local service agenc... Read more >

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    EDUCATION & TRAINING, Environmental NONPROFITS, Education & Training Nonprofits, Environmental Education & Training
    Richmond, CA
    Earth Team's mission is to create a new generation of environmental leaders by introducing - into the classroom and the community - environmental experiences that are so active and engaging that they inspire dedication to a healthy enviro... Read more >

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    EDUCATION & TRAINING, Environmental NONPROFITS, Education & Training Nonprofits, Green EVENT PRODUCERS, Conference & Trade Show Producers
    Washington, DC
    The Green Schools Conference & Expo is the premier education and engagement opportunity for teachers, parents, students, school and district staff, educational leaders, building industry professionals, non-profit partners and others who ar... Read more >

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    EDUCATION & TRAINING, Environmental NONPROFITS, Energy Nonprofits, Education & Training Nonprofits, Climate Change Nonprofits
    Oakland, CA
    Rising Sun is a nonprofit working at the intersection of economic equity and climate resilience in the California Bay Area and San Joaquin County. Our workforce development programs prepare youth, women, and individuals in reentry for high... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, Animal Nonprofits, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Wildlife & Habitat Preservation, Education & Training Nonprofits
    Hayward, CA
    The mission of the Sulphur Creek Nature Center is to instill a sense of responsibility for the welfare of our world by bringing people and animals closer together through wildlife rehabilitation and education.... Read more >

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    EDUCATION & TRAINING, Environmental NONPROFITS, Education & Training Nonprofits, Water Resources Nonprofits, Environmental Education & Training
    San Francisco, CA
    The Bay Academy consolidates and archives all Bay Institute and other educational Bay-focused publications, citations and editorials into a cohesive, easily accessible database. Production is underway to publish a series of Bay Eco books, ... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, Food Agriculture & Nutrition Nonprofits, Education & Training Nonprofits, GARDENS & GARDENING, Public Gardens
    Walnut Creek, CA
    The Gardens at Heather Farm is an independent nonprofit operating a free public garden, education center and special event venue nestled on a picturesque hillside in Walnut Creek, CA.... Read more >

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    Sustainable FOOD & AGRICULTURE, Environmental NONPROFITS, Farms, Food Agriculture & Nutrition Nonprofits, Education & Training Nonprofits
    San Francisco, CA
    The TomKat Foundation creates and partners with innovative organizations that envision a world with climate stability, a healthy and just food system, and broad prosperity.... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, Water Body Conservation, Education & Training Nonprofits, Water Resources Nonprofits
    Sunnyvale, CA
    The Watershed Watch Campaign is a public education initiative of the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program (SCVURPPP), an association of fifteen government agencies in Santa Clara Valley. The Campaign is dedicated to... Read more >

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    Environmental NONPROFITS, Education & Training Nonprofits
    Berkeley, CA
    WEA has implemented 125 women's environmental and entrepreneurship projects in 18 countries -- training, funding, and catalyzing 5,000 women to advance safe water, clean energy, regenerative farming, women's land rights, and more.... Read more >


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