Brookfield Zoo, also known as the Chicago Zoological Park, is a zoo located in the Chicago suburb of Brookfield, Illinois. It houses around 450 species of animals in an area of 216 acres. It opened on July 1, 1934, and quickly gained inter... Read more >
Cosley Zoo is an AZA-accredited zoo located in Wheaton, Illinois. It is a facility of the Wheaton Park District and open year-round. The zoo, which is situated on 5 acres of land, is built on the site of a historic train station and consis... Read more >
Lincoln Park Zoo, also known as Lincoln Park Zoological Gardens, is a 35-acre zoo in Lincoln Park, Chicago, Illinois. The zoo was founded in 1868, making it the fourth oldest zoo in North America. It is also one of a few free admission zoo... Read more >